Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Constantin-Marius APOSTOAIE
Project Manager & Teacher
He has a rich experience in project management (as director or team member) within several educational and research projects (in financing lines such as: Horizon 2020, Erasmus+, Erasmus Mundus, COST, POSDRU, POSCCE, POCU, UEFISCDI, and with cumulated sources of financing of over € 23 mil), including Jean Monnet activities (as team member), and in the organizing committee of over 12 national and international conferences (in Romania and abroad). He also has a rich portfolio of multicultural and multinational teaching techniques and methods gained through his experience in dozens of universities in Europe and at UAIC (where he holds courses, among others, on: European Financial and Monetary Integration; Sustainable Development and the European Social Model; Directions and Strategies of the EU Environmental Policy; European Project Management for Young Researchers; Portfolio Management; Capital Market Institutions and Regulations; Finance; Money and Credit, etc.). He conducts high quality research reflected in over 65 peer-reviewed articles published in important databases & high-rated peer-reviewed journals, as well as other complementary activities: reviewer in over 10 highly visible journals; plenary or panel discussant in over 10 international conferences; speaker in over 70 international and national conferences / scientific events in Europe or abroad. He is also a member of the European Centre of Excellence (within the Centre of European Studies) where he delivers courses on topics related to European integration and Project management.

Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Irina BILAN
Senior Expert & Teacher
She is a specialist in European public finance and social security systems. She presented over 100 papers at national/ international conferences (in Austria, Croatia, France, Portugal, Malaysia, Spain, the USA, the UK, Estonia, etc.), published over 70 papers in IDB indexed journals and conference proceedings and several books/book chapters. She has 18 years of teaching experience in courses such as Social Security, Public Finance, European Financial and Monetary Integration, International Finance, Money and Credit, Financial and Monetary Macroeconomics, etc. She conducted several research stages, tackling different financial dimensions of the EU economies, at universities in France, Spain, the UK, and the USA. She has extensive international teaching experience, teaching to international students at UAIC and to students abroad at universities in Croatia, Egypt, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Belgium, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Morocco, and Vietnam. She acquired expertise in project management, as project manager of the Jean Monnet Module EUCONOMICS, team member of 3 other Jean Monnet projects, and team member/expert/manager of 6 other projects funded from EU or national funds. She organized several national and international conferences and workshops, some on EU issues.

Prof. Ph.D. Sebastian-Bogdan CĂPRARU
Senior Expert & Teacher
He has a rich experience in project management: as director (POCU, UEFISCDI) or team member (POSDRU, PODCA, POCU, UEFISCDI) educational and research projects; organizing committee of over 10 national and international conferences and workshops; editor in chief Romanian Fiscal Council Working Papers, Economiaonline.ro; assistant editor in chief Scientific Annals of Economics and Business; master program coordinator Banks and Financial Markets; vice-president Economic Knowledge Association. He also has a rich portfolio of teaching techniques and methods gained through his experience in dozens of universities in Europe and at UAIC where he held courses on Retail banking, International banking, Real estate finance and development, Banking systems and operations, Advance research in finance, Bank management and others. He has a high standard research know-how gained through his research: published over 100 peer-reviewed articles in important high-rated peer-reviewed journals, conference proceedings and volumes; reviewer in more than 20 highly ranked Journals; Plenary/Panel discussant and/or Invited speaker in over 100 international and national conferences; PhD coordinator in Finance; member in national and international research working groups like National Bank of Romania, EU Independent Fiscal Institutions Network, Romanian Fiscal Council. He has a wide network of international and national contacts build in time through presentations and lectures within participations at international and national conferences; visiting researcher in prestigious universities from abroad; member of the editorial board of European Fiscal Monitor EUIFIs Network.

Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Alexandru Maxim
Senior Expert & Teacher
He has a rich experience in project management: leader or key staff member of 15 academic research and education projects (6 as director/coordinator – total managed budget of over 250.000 EUR), including two Jean Monnet actions, Horizon 2020, COST Action; led three research projects at GE Energy with teams of up to 4 international experts (estimated impact over $60 Mil); member of the organizing committee for over 10 international academic conferences and events. He also has over 10 years of experience in teaching national and international students in English and Romanian, including 3 years of teaching EU studies (European Integration and EU Environmental Policy). He has experience in performing high quality research with global visibility: over 25 published articles, 2 books (one on EU studies), 2 international book chapters, over 460 citations in works by foreign authors (over half in high impact Web of Science journals), 3 presentations as plenary speaker at academic conferences. He has extensive trans-disciplinary industry and academic experience, covering and combining fields of research and practice such as: energy markets and policies, marketing strategies and market research, procurement and supply chain management, ecosystem services and valuation, European integration, entrepreneurship, energy poverty and sustainability, informal economy, agribusiness and others.