About NextStepEU

NEW! The launching event of the Jean Monnet Module NextStepEU will take place on Friday, October 21st, at 2.00 p.m. (Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, room C3, building C). Students selected for the academic year 2022-2023, as well as all other persons sharing interest in European integration are welcome to attend.

AIM The project seeks to enhance awareness regarding the European Union’s main sustainability challenges and priorities and what the European Citizen can do in this regard. As such, it is expected from the enrolled students to help shape the future of the European project by strengthening the European integration process and promoting a sustainable economic growth.

OBJECTIVES In line with the general objectives of the Erasmus+ Programme and JM activities, the project assumes as specific objectives to: 

  • promote excellence in teaching in forward-looking EU studies through four relevant forward-looking EU Studies that touch upon the three dimensions of ‘sustainability’ for a group of 105 undergraduate students;
  • foster dialogue between the academic world on the one hand, and various members of the society, on the other;
  • create and nurture an environment for supporting professional teachers and researchers to reflect on, to create, to discuss and to publicise high-quality teaching and research activities on relevant EU topics, as support for improved policy-making;
  • reach out to a wider public and spread knowledge about the EU to the wider society so as to instill interest in the EU and its core values.

ACTIVITIES The project team members will deliver four new courses; organize 3 educational field-visits; create a portfolio of teaching materials, among which an online booklet on the topic of the project; spread information of key EU developments through a bi-annual newsletter; organize 3 workshops, 3 webinars and an international conference; conduct innovative research activities, resulting in papers presented at international conferences (at least 2/year) and/or published in conference proceedings and journals (at least 3); widely disseminate information on EU integration, on the project and its activities, on the module website or during the promotional campaign.

BENEFICIARIES The project addresses a wide range of direct and indirect beneficiaries (students, academics, policy makers, business environment, the general public) and has high academic added value through the new courses it introduces, the research it fosters and the events.

FINANCING This project is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
The support is provided under the ERASMUS+ Program of the European Union (Jean Monnet Module “Guiding Steps for the Next Generation of Smarter and More Engaged Citizens in a Sustainable European Union”, NextStepEU, grant decision number 101085160 / 31.08.2022).

See more on:

Erasmus+ programmes
Jean Monnet programmes
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University
NextStepEU team