Occasional conferences

NextStepEU Opening Conference

The opening conference is a special event dedicated to officially launch the Module in the public space. It is similar to a plenary session or an opening general session, it will host various presentations that offer event organizers and hosts a unique opportunity to address the attendees. It is geared toward addressing the general audience. The objectives of this session are:

a) to share important information with regard to the project itself and the line of financing;
b) to motivate, educate, and engage the audience in topics related to the Module; and
c) to form the basis for the recruitment process that will follow.

Aside from the participating students, the speakers of the event represent deans, leaders of the Alexandru Ioan Cuza rectorate and international relations office, as well as academics.

NextStepEU Closing Conference

The closing conference is a special event dedicated to officially close the Module in the public space (with regard to its formal activities established through the project proposal). It is similar to a plenary session or an opening general session and will enable the Project Team to share the main results of the Project. It is geared toward addressing the general audience.