Dan-Pavel MATEI, Master’s Student
Dan-Pavel Matei is currently a student enrolled in the Master ‘Finance and Risk Management’ at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași). Prior to joining the master programme, he completed his undergraduate studies in Finance and Banking, at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași). During his undergraduate studies, he completed one semester of International Economics at the University of Rijeka, Croatia with Erasmus+ programme. In the 3rd year of Finance and Banking he participated at Annual Session of Student Scientific Papers, where he achieved 2nd place with his paper called: “Basing the investment decision on technical and fundamental analysis: case study”, which also was published in ISF Working Papers. His current research focuses on stock market predictions based on sentiment analysis of the news published by the media. More about Dan-Pavel can be found here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mateidan2000/

Ioana-Maria URSACHE, PhD Student
Ioana-Maria Ursache is a PhD student in Economics and International Affairs at the Doctoral School of Economics and Business Administration (Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași). Her current research focuses on smart cities, particularly on cities’ sustainability and quality of life. Prior to joining the PhD programme, she completed her undergraduate studies at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași in Geography and Tourism. She holds an MSc in Urbanisation and Development from The London School of Economics and Political Science and an MA in European Studies and Eastern Neighbourhood the Center for European Studies within the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași. She is an interdisciplinary scholar who specialises in the economic, social and political dimensions of urbanisation, with a specific focus on Central and Eastern Europe. Alongside her academic endeavours, Ioana works as a project manager at UrbanizeHub, an NGO committed to building inclusive communities and creating innovative solutions for Romanian cities. More about Ioana can be found here.