NEW! All the candidates are invited to participate in the official opening event of the 3rd year of implementation scheduled for November 15, 2024, in room C3 (building C, 2nd floor) starting 12.00 to find out more about the project activities and how to become a member of our wider JM NextStepEU community.
In addition, we will have guests from the “Alături de Voi” Foundation Romania, who will present the “Urban Social Enterprise Accelerator!” (RO: “Acceleratorul de Întreprinderi Sociale în mediul urban!”) Project (ID 301795), co-financed by the European Social Fund+ through the Education and Employment Program 2021-2027. You will have the opportunity to learn more about the Social Enterprise Accelerator and what this project specifically offers: funding; mentoring and training; networking and partnerships.Selections results are available HERE. Congratulations to all the candidates, and we look forward to meeting you in all the project’s activities!

Registration to NextStepEU JM courses – academic year 2024-2025
Students’ registration to the JM teaching activities, academic year 2024-2025, is now open. Participation is open to all the students of the bachelor programmes of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, as well as other faculties from Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași.
Registration process – Registration can be performed online. Click HERE to register. Please fill in the form and submit your CV and letter of motivation, according to the templates below.
CV template
Registration deadline (extended) – Please register till November 9, 2024. - Selection results – Will be available on November 11, 2024.