NextStepEU Scientific International Conference
“Challenges, Opportunities and Policies for Sustainability in the European Union”
29-31 May 2025
Iaşi, Romania

On behalf of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration from Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi (Romania), we are pleased to invite you to participate in the NextStepEU Scientific International Conference “Challenges, Opportunities and Policies for Sustainability in the European Union” organized within the Jean Monnet Module “Guiding Steps for the Next Generation of Smarter and More Engaged Citizens in a Sustainable European Union” (NextStepEU), on 29th – 31st May 2025, in Iași. To reach a wider audience, the conference will be organized as a hybrid event, although we strongly encourage in-person attendance for presenters.
The Conference aims to foster the dissemination of and constructive dialogue around innovative, interdisciplinary, applicable high-quality research which has the potential of delivering sound policy proposals for a better and more sustainable European Union. The conference is an actual ‘call for ideas’ that targets the EU policy making process, in the sense of delivering viewpoints, recommendations, solutions to either enhance the quality of and synergies between existing EU policies, or to propose new approaches of tackling specific issues of economic, social or environmental nature that the EU has to deal with. We believe that this European scientific event will have the potential to attract innovative and interdisciplinary research with an emphasis on forwarding sound policy proposals for achieving sustainable development in the European Union.
Conference topics
Contributions on the following (non-restrictive) topics are welcome:
- Emerging economic, societal and environmental challenges for European policy making
- Financial intermediation and sustainable finance practices in the European Union
- Adapting business management to a dynamic European policy landscape
- Social economy and inclusive entrepreneurship: driving sustainable growth in the EU
- Strengthening public administration practices and regulatory frameworks for enhanced sustainability
Within the conference, a Students’ Roundtable will be organized. Bachelor and Master’s students are encouraged to submit essays on the topic of the conference and present their ideas in front of an envisaged audience, as means of further exploring and expanding their understanding of European financial and monetary integration.
Keynote speakers
To be announced
Paper submission
The submission of both full-length papers and extended abstracts (between 300-500 words) is welcome. All submissions must be in English. Authors are invited to submit their contribution electronically, at the e-mail address, no later than on April 1st, 2025. In preparing the abstract/paper, the authors are required to strictly follow the templates below.
Abstract_template Paper_template
Key dates
- Deadline for full paper/extended abstract submission – 1 April 2025
- Notification on paper/abstract acceptance or rejection – ongoing, until 15 April 2025
- Fee payment and registration deadline – 25 April 2025
- Conference days – 29-31 May 2025 (online and onsite)
- Final paper submission for publication – 15 June 2025
Publication opportunities see more
Conference fee and registration see more
Scientific and organising committees see more
Students’ Roundtable see more
Venue and accommodation see more
JM Module “Guiding Steps for the Next Generation of Smarter and More Engaged Citizens in a Sustainable European Union”
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași
Address: Bvd. Carol I, no. 22, Iasi, 700505